Saturday, March 22, 2008

i wonder whether i should start blogging all over again? the way i used to. or should i just have an address where i sporadically spew things? like the way this is now.

having loads of problems with my thesis - so much that i dun even wanna talk abt it.

many people in my class have been doing a lot of emo stuff so much so that it turns me off. maybe it's bcos i am not very much into my class either. i miss my csc frenz. i am thankful n grateful to my buddy for initiating a grad trip, n it's gratifying to see everything falling into place nw. although de places aint really where i wan to go, but i guess ultimately de frenz make up for it. u've been thru 4 years tgtr. dat is incredible. who says u cant find real frenz in uni? i did.

of cos, i appreciate my grpmates in my class as well. they anchor me to de class, otherwise i might hv quit de class eons ago. i've learnt to treasure frenz better these 4 years (i hope), esp in de past half a yr. those who'll always ans ur smses n ur calls at de weirdest times. those who'll drop an sms to find out hw u've been. those whom u can strike a decent conversation with, no matter hw long u haven met up. i wish i was gg on de grad trip wid my grp. they've stuck through thick n thin with me in my most academically challenged semester. dat almost feels like i was balancing 2 SPs - a throwback to yr3 sem2.

now all i need is a person to enter my life.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

solitude brings u peace.

i woke up especially early today - trying to hv a change of schedule in my life so dat, who knows i might get dat divine stroke of genius to pull me through!

i like the feeling i had when i was in thailand. living life alone, enjoying it, being in control of a situation, being in control of my life. maybe really, it is bcos i dun get to be myself in singapore. living up to expectations? hw do these expectations arise in de first place? and life for one, is never abt de expected, but rather de unexpected.