Tuesday, September 30, 2008

quick updates on life ii

wk4: got reaction paper back. bad grade. started on new bk "using social theory" - more prescriptive therefore easier to read. had tut - wasn't fantastic & spent a while reproaching my mthds. spent time at wedding. faint.

wk5: did research ppt. wasn't too bad. but lecturer's feedback was that i spoke too fast at times, hence she couldn't catch parts of wat i was saying. attended conference - cool but no papers were given, damnit. and to tink i paid damn $50! and received news dat prof din finish de paper. took over to write de entire paper. i couldn't understand her part at all. so i left it out. passed it back to her. din get to do my reaction paper. i even prepared my resources!

wk6: started to fall sick. even more last min work on paper. irritated to de max with frens whose first comments when hearing dat u are sick is "why u always sick ah?", "u always sick one!" etc. fuck man. as if i wanted?! u dun even appreciate de fact dat i made it for a freaking dinner when i very well coulda juz walked off. hello? i am not obliged to attend outings ok? i am even more NOT obliged to attend outings when i am not feeling well.

recess wk: got better, then worse. managed to recover in time for de workshop. had a good time (thank goodness!). BUT fell sick immed after. forced myself out to meet some other frens, regretted as soon as we left.

an ending note:
i am not obliged, i repeat, to attend outings. neither am i obliged to ur scrutiny. do not expect me to pander to all ur requests - i hate, and i repeat, i hate, hvg to report to someone my every move and action every other hr of de day. i cherish my freedom, i cherish my independence. i hate to be pushed, de more u push me, de more i will rebel, and de frenship will cease sooner or later. give me my space.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

people fear uncertainty.
if uncertainty is in fact a form of certainty, then why do people still fear it?


i'm happy. bcos i am almost no longer sick, i think. almost fully recovered.
i'm happy. bcos the tough times that i am going thru will make me a better man.
i'm happy. bcos of a certain someone who is coming to town, and with whom i am gg to meet soon.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

i can't fathom my existence in nus. research is such a complex thing - it's almost as if i am trying to make sense of a mess. is dat wat life is supposed to be - a mess too?

on a brighter note:
Fred, C.M. ONG is a Masters student and a research scholar majoring in Geography in the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was a recipient of the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Book Prize in 2007. He is interested in a wide array of topics including the politics of space, migration in Asian cities, cosmopolitan urbanism, issues of ethnicity and nationality and tourism geographies. Currently his research focuses on debates on public space, low-skilled migrant workers and cosmopolitan urbanism. More specifically he is investigating the attitudes and competencies of Singaporeans towards male migrant workers congregating within public spaces that have not been traditionally regarded as gathering places for these workers, and examining how these spatial perspectives relate to developments within cosmopolitanism studies.

oh. and i am still stuck with the paper. i am so gonna die.
well well. but even if i die, i wan to die with a smile. :-)

Monday, September 1, 2008

ur bf/gf doesn't like pple to be late. so u make a conscious effort nvr to be late for ur dates. bcos u love him or her.

ur parents dun like u to go home late. do u make a conscious effort not to go home late, or do u justify ur going home late with reasons like "i need to send dear home", "i need to catch up with my friends -very long nvr meet liao leh"?
do u love ur parents?

*** ***

if a person's actions go against ur principles, u de-friend him/her.
if a person does something that is in accordance to ur principles, do u den friend him/her?