Sunday, February 22, 2009

i saw some of the photos of my ex-classmates in NIE.

and i wonder if i'd hv been happier had i not chosen this route.
i'd definitely be happier with the NIE lot. b'cos sha's there. jelly's there. and aida. michelle. choonhon. and even faisal. ellis. sarah. shyuan. ain. rita. some of whom i wasn't very close with, but i suspect i'd be able to mingle ard n bond in time to come.

oh well.

at least in de midst of all these negativity, some happier things hv occurred. finally, i am on talking terms with my buddy again. in fact we're going hiking @ bukit timah this coming sat. with mr chong as well. feels like de good old days again. and i hope it is not a transient feeling.