Monday, April 28, 2008

周杰倫 - 我不配

i loved this song de moment i heard it on jay's album. and it is de highest played chinese song on my itunes now. it was juz another song i liked frm jay. another of those i can play on n on n nvr get sick of.

but tdy while k-ing this song, i felt a lump in my throat. i connected wid de song on a lvl i nvr thought i wld. it was as if i wrote de song.

there is de urge to just break down n cry. but it is still after all, an urge. no breaking down, no crying.

life goes on.


Anonymous said...

qouting from jellie...


It is ok. Look forward to the future.. sometimes, things are just not meant to be. Don't take it too hard... Learn to cherish what might come along in the future. I believe, with time, you will do much much better...

starswirlz said...

Hey dude, cheer up man. though I dun really understand whats going on but i'm always here to listen if you need to vent yeah. :)

ps: Jingle Seah, you have no originality, always quoting from others! haha