Wednesday, November 19, 2008

been on a sleeping rampage. it's just madness. and i dreamt...
of fantasies dat'll always remain as fantasies.
of hopes dat'll always remain as hopes.
of fears dat'll always remain as fears.
of dreams dat'll always remain as dreams.

smtimes dreams become so vivd dat u confuse them with reality. prophecies maybe? one of de most incomprehensible moments came when i almost called my phy geog fren to consult her on water bodies bcos i dreamt dat i had to present a paper on water bodies.


issei said...

Haha, waterbodies? U too stress huh dream this type of things..cya on tuesday!

DanieLChiP said...

Yah maybe. Gross right...???

DanieLChiP said...

oohh and btw, dat geog fren was u. haha. :-)