Saturday, August 16, 2008

frenships r not static. they change.

i used to trust a fren. now i hv second thoughts talking to him, ever since an incident happened two mths back. it is very sad. i treasure de frenship, i realli do. but his actions - alota them lately - hv signaled to me one thing: i dun tink i can trust him as much as i did. i wish this wasn't happening, but it is.

u can be very close to certain people at certain junctures of ur life. yet u will drift away, no matter wat. so, as someone was sharing with me, perhaps we shld always maintain a comfortable distance from others. but i thought good frens hv no distance de? perhaps my conception of frens has always been wrong.

de world is selfish - it is, by nature. selfishness should not be seen as a flaw. it juz means dat u r beng natural.


yun said...

i hope you dun lose faith in all relationships that you have built up over the years though...

Unknown said...

i'm here to comment!!


anw, i tink ppl's r/s r like molecules. haha... the atoms too near will repel, far enough will attract. too far than lost lol

so... i guess i'm juz brownian-ing around here...

starswirlz said...

There are some friends who pass like ships in the night, who meet for a moment, then sail out of sight with never a backward glance of regret; folks we know briefly then quickly forget. Then there are those who dock for a while, to help you through your hour of need before sailing away to bigger horizons.Finally there are friends who sail together, through quiet waters and stormy weather, helping each other though joy and through strife. And they are the ones who who give meaning to life, because they stay long enough to see you through life.

haha i hope it's not too chim man.. but yeah i totally understand how u feel... So just want to say that regardless of how things turn out, just be glad and thankful that the friendship happened in the first place yah. Cheer up fred! :)

DanieLChiP said...

who is de second person?
faint. up till now, i still duno. i hv an idea lah, but not too sure.

to yun: it takes years to build up relationships. but it takes a second to crumble them down. and sometimes this crumbling might not be a result of ur own action. it might be due to weathering, erosion, by external agents that u cannot control. u cannot place too much faith in relationships. am i being too pessimistic?

to starswirlz: i totally understand wat u r saying. aint it sad? sometimes u duno why some friends stay and some friends leave. and sometimes u r de one who leaves! worst of all, u duno exactly why u are leaving. u just leave. neither do your frens, they just leave as well. no matter how hard u try to maintain de frenship, sometimes things juz wun work out. and its realli sad. its realli a moment of poignant sadness. u can onli sit there, look on in despair and sigh. and not do anything else. other than preparing urself to move on.

Unknown said...

muahaha!! i tink 3 yrs ago u asked the same qn... lol

i am the Great GTz!!

DanieLChiP said...

ok i think i noe who GTz is liao! haha. so i was right. it was the quote from THAT show. haha.